Thursday 24 May 2007

Day 27: Visualize Your Competitors Winning Too!

Business - even the business of blogging, it seems, from having had a cursory look around - often suffers from the belief in scarcity; that there's not enough for everyone. However, Nature is abundant and there truly is enough money and enough success for all of us, even our competitors. Thus visualizing our competitors succeeding and winning abundantly can become proof to ourselves that we trust and a great way to further and deepen our own connection of trust to the infinite source of wealth and goodness that is on offer to us all. Bless your competitors just like Jesus who said Love Thy Enemy, because really, there are no competitors and there are no enemies!

I was linked into another site recently due to my discussion of the Dead Sea Scrolls and thus will allow future mentions to go through too. I also registered with Google, who now list the blog. Unfortunately blogger does not give even the most basic of advice on how to get wider exposure for blogs so it is a slow task linking it in to mass audiences. However, there have been at least a hundred hits or so so far, which at this stage is great encouragement.

Technorati Profile

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