Wednesday 23 May 2007

Smart Goals and Prosperity Beliefs

Write down what you want. This is a powerful way to help you achieve your goals – after all, without a target, it is very difficult to hit it! Try making them SMART GOALS:

S specific

M measurable

A all areas of life
as if now

R realistic

T timed
toward what you want

For example, it’s best not to say, ‘I want more money’; rather, it’s more effective to say ’It is now the 30th of June and I have a thousand pounds in my bank account…or more’ – setting an exact time and amount, even if it is a million pounds!

It is very important, when goal-setting, to be specific. Also, if giving up smoking, saying ‘I am now a non-smoker’ is ok although ‘I am healthy’ is perhaps more powerful. Ex-smokers soon think of themselves not as non-smokers but just as normal or healthy.

Now, for Prosperity Beliefs:
1. The Universe is Abundant
2. The universe wants me to prosper
3. All prosperity begins with an idea and the universe responds.
4. Money is an abstraction (of work)
5. Money has no intelligence of its own (so money responds to my instructions to it)
6. Money demands attention on money.

“All prosperity is first produced by the human mind. All business endeavours are built on ideas. Before the business opened its doors, before there was ANY money flowing into the business there was an idea. Any endeavour begins in the mind. So, all prosperity begins in the mind. If that is the case, then working harder will not produce more money, nor will working more hours produce more money. Increasing prosperity requires changing your thought processes so that they focus on prosperous thoughts. Money, and its flow into a person’s life, are a direct result of the nature of the thoughts in a person’s mind.” Tad James, M.S. Ph.D., extracted from The Secret Of Creating Your Future published by Advanced Neuro Dynamics

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