Friday 25 May 2007

Day 29: Spiritual Belief Systems

Another extract from the Kryon book, Book 8:
"Belief systems all over the planet will tear apart with change. Oh, they will remain, but there can be no more fence-sitting in regard to the old ways that no longer work. Those who talk about the love of God but do not practice it are sitting on a fence, are they not? Those who are trying desperately to follow the laws of GOd, but instead are following the laws of men and women, are on a fence, are they not? In addition, the world is beginning to hold them accountable for what they teach. As the entire population of Earth is able to observe [due to communications revelations such as the Internet], some systems will be shown to be unbalanced, and those who were never spiritual will become the first critics of doctrines that profess one thing and do another. The result will be that there will be fewer and fewer young people in their ranks, and many of the organizations will wither from lack of respect.

What has to happen next is a search for the divinity within core doctrinal belief - a return to the principles of love. You will see it first in the belief systems of the planet, and if you are astute in world events, you are seeing it now. The greatest spiritual leaders you have who search for the divine on your planet are coming to a reckoning even as you sit here. This is an end to the fence-sitting. This is a return to a quest for integrity - the morality of the search for the love of God and the core issue of family.

In this new energy, you are going to have a tough time professing one thing and doing another. If you do, you are on the fence...[and] are going to be very uncomfortable. You will see this "spiritual rage" more and more - those who are so angry - perhaps they are angry with God, perhaps they are angry with themselves - they don't know. They just know that they're being pulled off that very comfortable place where they used to be. No more fence sitting.

The spiritual belief systems of your planet are about to have a house-cleaning. Most will survive, and in the process will become closer to the intent of those who created them - to celebrate the love of God in a way that honours humanity, and does not tear it down."

I thought that was interesting, especially for those who know John of God and The Casa de Dom Inacio in Brazil. But also very relevant to events in all religions and to all who follow a spiritual path.

Last night I was writing tractor outlines for many hours! The things a writer must do, above and beyond the writing itself! Half way with it, though. Now I am off for a family re-union. Have a great day/evening!

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