Sunday 3 June 2007

Day 38: Tractor Outlines and Big Inboxes

More tractor outlines today. I am trying to condense them to about half the size. As usual, I'm juggling a bunch of different things and must go back to my place now as tomorrow my friends return. It has been super peaceful here so writing and working on the computer has been smooth and easy. Not that it is not quiet where I live, it is just totally, library-quiet here. The sort of you-can-hear-a-pin-drop quiet that writers dream of. And the work continues always, pins dropping or not.

It is wonderful to have made new friends and contacts recently through this blog and I'm really grateful for the feedback that comes in. I have had several mentions on others' blogs and it is good to discover there is a community of bloggers, just as with writers and hypnotherapists. However, my reading plan has been put on the backburner for a while and yet I'm determined to meet my goal of a chapter a day, even if I have to read nine in one sitting later (which I will have to do! Or even ten).

I have another teleconference on Tuesday and choir on Monday so I need to do some preparing for those, too. Still, I've never been further away from bored in my life, that's the silver lining! And I haven't even checked my Orkut site messages. If anyone would like to have a website presence with a link to many millions of people, let me know and I can send you an invitation to Orkut. Although 80% or so of Brazilians have it, few in my country do; yet it's a fantastic way to make and stay in touch with friends with many thousands of professional and personal community groups within it. Needless to add, it's a valuable networking tool.

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