Saturday 2 June 2007

Day 37: More articles, more networking

Today, I have been so busy I almost forgot to blog! I have written and reviewed more articles and networked a lot, so that's progress; there just never seem to be enough hours in the day. I need a secretary! Actually, a team of secretaries would be better. The internet is great but it opens up so many possibilities and all of them take time; still, I make sure I enjoy all that I do and thus it may be a case of burning the candle at both ends, but it's all good too.

I have the lifelong habit of wanting to achieve many things and at the moment am simultaneously trying to deal with two books and a screenplay, although the screenplay has languished on the backburner somewhat lately. I used to think this a problem; that as a writer I should just stick to writing one book, but now I think it's great - that I'll suddenly have a bunch of books published at the same time - or I'll die of exhaustion trying!

Today, I wrote several pieces about hypnosis, as I am a master hypnotist. Self-hypnosis is an underused skill yet one that all can benefit from mastering. One of the easiest ways to hypnotise yourself is to simply pay attention to something you hear, something you see and then something you feel and to keep doing that with different things, linking in your awareness to relaxation. You could say to yourself (internally) "As I listen to the sound of the computer and see the light of the screen, I feel the contact of my hand on the keyboard and all this makes me feel deeply relaxed and calm. Any sounds further away and the things I see in the background all contribute to me breathing a deep breath and just letting go of all concerns in order to relax!"

When you are deeply relaxed you can find answers to concerns, refresh yourself and renew you energy. These were some of the techniques I used to anesthetise myself with when I had 24 teeth worked on extensively at the dentist recently. I had to continually reassure the dentist - who had never had a patient refuse anesthesia before - that I was perfectly okay! Let me know how you get on and know that trance is simply an inward focus of attention and thus something we can all attain. If you can daydream, you can do this too! Happy hypnotising!

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