Saturday 30 June 2007

Day 66: More tricks to get a First Class Memory


It is important, when forming the images, to have a very clear mental picture in front of your inner eye. To achieve this it is often best to close your eyes and to project the image on to the inside of your eyelid, or on to a screen inside your head, and to hear, feel, smell or experience it in the way that works best for you. (For example, think of what you ate for lunch yesterday: how does your brain recreate it for you? Use the same medium.)
To make all this clearer, let us try the ten items given.

1 bun table

Imagine a giant bun on top of a fragile table which is in the process of crumbling from the weight. Smell the fresh cooked aroma, taste your favourite bun.

2 Shoe feather

Imagine your favourite shoe with an enormous feather growing out of the inside, preventing you from putting your shoe on, tickling and tickling your feet.

3 tree cat

Imagine a large tree with either your own cat or a cat you know stuck in the very top branches frantically scrambling about and mewing loudly.

4 door leaf

Imagine your bedroom door as one giant leaf, crunching and rustling as you open it.

5 hive student

Imagine a student at his desk, dressed in black and yellow stripes, buzzing busily, or with honey dripping on his pages.

6 sticks orange

Imagine large sticks puncturing the juicy surface of an orange that is as big as a beach ball. Feel and smell the juice of the orange squirting out.

7 heaven car

Imagine all the angels sitting on cars rather than clouds; experience yourself driving the car you consider heavenly.

8 skate pencil

Imagine yourself skating over the pavement, hearing the sound of the wheels on the ground, as you see the multi-coloured pencils attached to your skates creating fantastic art wherever you go.

9 vine shirt

Imagine a vine as large as Jack and the Bean Stalk's bean stalk, and instead of leaves on the vine, hang it all over with brightly coloured shirts blowing in the wind.

10 hen poker

Have fun!

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