Thursday 28 June 2007

Day 64: Restoring Peaceful Sleep & Relieving Pain

This is from Crystals and Crystal Healing by Simon Lilly:

Restoring Peaceful Sleep
Sleepless nights can be caused by a variety of situations. They can often be overcome by simple strategies - but when you are half-asleep and exhausted, motivation is a difficult thing to summon up. This is when the right sort of crystals can be very useful. Different types of sleeplessness will need different gemstones to ease them, and you will need to experiment - a stone that works for one person may keep someone else awake.
* Chrysoprase, an apple green variety of chalcedony quartz, has been found in most cases to encourage peaceful sleep. A tumbled stone can be put under your pillow, or a larger piece placed on a bedside table
* Just hold the appropriate stones or have them nearby. They will help to quieten you so that you can relax and fall asleep.
* If tension and worry is the cause of restlessness try amethyst, rose quartz or citrine.
* If your sleep pattern is disturbed by something you have eaten, a digestive calmer like ametrine, moonstone or iron pyrites may help.
* Where there is fear, particularly related to bad dreams or nightmares, use a grounding and protecting stone such as tourmaline, staurolite, smoky quartz or tourmaline quartz and place it at the foot of your bed. Labrodorite will also help to chase away any unwelcome thoughts and feelings.

Relieving Pain
Pain is the body's way of letting you know that something is wrong and needs attention. Very often pain is caused by an excess of energy of some sort. Using crystals can help reduce pain to manageable levels by releasing blocks within the subtle bodies and stimulating the body's own healing mechanisms. In general, all cool-coloured stones - blue, indigo and violet - will help to calm painful areas and restore the natural flow of energy in a damaged area.
* Copper is well-known for its ability to reduce inflammation and swellings of all sorts, and some of the most useful gemstones for controlling pain have high concentrations of copper. Copper itself can be worn as a bracelet or carried in its rough, natural, nugget form to help all energy flow in the body and reduce inflammation.
* Malachite is a soft mineral of copper that forms in concentric bands of light and dark green. It is good at calming painful areas and drawing out imbalances. It is a good absorber of negativity and needs regular cleansing to maintain its effectiveness.
* Turquoise can be used whenever there is a need for calm healing energy. The colour of the stone stimulates the body's immune system and it has a beneficial effect on many areas.
* Carnelian, although it is a warm colour, is a useful stone as it is a powerful healer of the etheric body and encourages healing.
* Pink stones, such as rose quartz, calm aggravated areas and also reduce the fears that often accompany injury and pain. Placing pink stones at the solar plexus and sacral chakras [situated below the naval] will calm the mind and relax the body.

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