Monday 14 May 2007

Day 18: Three Necessary Keys to Get What You Want

There are three necessary keys, as identified by Shakti Gawain in her excellent book Creative Visualization, to make creative visualization work. They are:

1. Desire. You must have a true desire to have or manifest that which you have chosen to visualize. By desire I don't mean addictive, grasping desire, but a clear, strong feeling of purpose. Ask yourself "Do I truly, in my heart, desire this goal to be realized?"

2. Belief. The more you believe in your chosen goal and the possibility of attaining it, the more certain you will be to do so. Ask yourself "Do I believe that this is possible for me to manifest or get it?

3. Acceptance. You must be willing to accept and have that which you are seeking. Sometimes we pursue goals without actually wanting to get them; we are more comfortable with the process of pursuing. Ask yourself "Am I willing to have this completely?"

Part of the process of me getting my book published is really about using all those three keys. The Isaiah Effect - Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy by Gregg Braden is another excellent book that can help to appreciate the power that we have in creating our futures through seeing them first. It ends with a story I read elsewhere too about a Down's Syndrome boy competing alongside eight others, who had become friends, in the Special Olympics but, seeing one friend had fallen at the start of the race, he turned back to help him up. Each of the others seeing this turned back too and all nine of them walked the race, arm-in-arm to the finish.

Achieving things in our lives can be done with respect and love for one another and what a beautiful story to illustrate that. The other point made here is when we are inspired and have positive emotions, then dreams, actions or resolutions made from those feelings are strong and transformational.

Gregg Braden ends his book after that story by saying 'above all other reasons, we have come to this world to love.'

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